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Asian American Who Worked for Hillary Clinton Campaign Says Why Asians Should Support Hillary

ByGeorge Bao

Aug 11, 2016

By George Bao   Aug. 11, 2016


Kim calls Chinese Americans to support Hillary Clinton (photo by George Bao)
Kim calls Chinese Americans to support Hillary Clinton (photo by George Bao)

SAN GABRIEL, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA – As many Chinese Americans are wondering which presidential candidate is more friendly to China and the Chinese community, an Asian American who has worked for the Hillary Clinton campaign said that to think that Donald Trump will treat China better if elected “is completely wrong.”

Gene F. Kim, a project consultant for the California Asian Leadership Network of Electeds (CALNET), a statewide network of Asian Pacific American elected and appointed officials who has worked for the Hillary Clinton campaign for several events, said here Thursday that “this election is very interesting in our community.”

He said Trump is a very difficult candidate to be supporting, while Hillary is the most qualified candidate who has extensive experience in foreign policy, especially in the Asian Pacific region.

Asked why he thinks that Asian Americans should support Hillary Clinton, Kim said for the Asian American community, especially the Chinese American community, there has been a very dangerous current, the anti-China rhetoric. Chinese scientists have been scapegoated. But Hillary understands that there is a problem.

Kim said she understands the diversity of the community and the Chinese American community is a very important part of the American society, but Trump not only encouraging such rhetoric, and he himself repeatedly made Chinese community the enemy, made the Muslim community the enemy, made the Mexican community the enemy.

According to Kim, Trump looks the diversity communities as a weakness and as a problem and not part of the American community.

“That is the major contrast that has made many Chinese Americans I know personally here in Los Angeles to support Hillary,” said Kim.

He said the majority of Asian Americans and Chinese Americans do support Democrats and Hillary. He stressed that the Trump supporters from the Chinese community made voices loud, but that does not mean that the majority of Chinese Americans support Trump.

He said Trump has repeatedly mentioned China in the election campaign and he has repeatedly attacked China. Also, he said Trump can not be trusted because he changed his positions very quickly while Hillary will remain a stable relationship with China once she is elected.

Kim said Hilary has had lunches with the Chinese community and she remains a good relationship with Judy Chu, the first Chinese American woman in the U.S. Congress, while Trump has repeatedly “demonized China and the Chinese community.”

Gene previously served as the Executive Director of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC), a legislative entity made up of over 40 Members of Congress. He managed CAPAC’s policy advocacy, communications, and community outreach under the leadership of its Chair, Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA).



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