• Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

U.S. Congressman Ted Lieu asks U.S. Defense Secretary to provide casualty estimates in possible war with North Korea

ByGeorge Bao

Sep 26, 2017

LOS ANGELES U.S. Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D | Los Angeles County) and Congressman Ruben Gallego (D | Phoenix) Tuesday sent a letter to U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis calling on him to reveal the military’s analysis of the mass destruction that would be inflicted in a possible war with North Korea.

Mr. Lieu and Mr. Gallego know that pursuing military engagement with North Korea without a strategy is reckless, especially given North Korea’s nuclear capabilities. 

“We would like to know expected casualty assessments, how the United States would prevent devastating North Korean retaliation, and what plans the Department has for the humanitarian disaster that would follow any conflict,” the two Congressmen asked in the letter.

 “We have not heard detailed analysis of expected U.S. or allied force casualties, expected civilian casualties, what plans exist for the aftermath of a strike – including continuity of the South Korean Government, or how such assessments have factored into the military options presented to the President,” the letter said.

The Los Angeles Times quoted a retired U.S. general as saying that a Pentagon war scenario showed a conventional war with North Korea could result in about 20,000 deaths per day in South Korea.

Meanwhile, a retired U.S. Navy admiral sees a 50/50 chance of a conventional conflict with North Korea although much less likelihood of a nuclear war, according to the paper.

On Monday, North Korea’s foreign minister, Ri Yong Ho, accused U.S. President Donald Trump of declaring war against North Korea and threatened that the North has the right to shoot down U.S. strategic bombers even if they are flying in international airspace.

Last week, Ri told reporters the regime might detonate a hydrogen weapon in the Pacific.

Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Christopher Logan told CNBC on Monday, “Obviously North Korea is a threat.” And he pledged the U.S. military will defend “both U.S. homeland and our allies against that threat.”



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