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Asian Americans Advancing Justice Condemns President-elect’s Choice of Steve Bannon as Senior Advisor

ByGeorge Bao

Nov 17, 2016

LOS ANGELES –, Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAAJ) condemns the President-elect’s choice of Steve Bannon as his chief strategist.

AAAJ said in a statement released Wednesday that Donald Trump’s potential appointment gives tacit approval to Bannon’s known agenda against racial minorities, women, immigrants, Muslims, and the LGBT communities. As a national civil rights organization, AAAJ opposes Trump’s decision.

“In the days following the 2016 presidential election, our nation has witnessed an upward spike in hateful harassment, vandalism, and attacks against people and communities singled out by Bannon and Breitbart News, which he leads,” AAAJ said.

In addition to many well-publicized attacks against Latinos, Muslims, women, and LGBT individuals, Asian Americans have been harassed and told to “go back” or “get out,” according to AAAJ.

There have also been reports of physical attacks on individuals and organizations and churches serving Asian Americans, including threats or vandalism. Only one week from the election, more than 400 reported hate attacks have occurred, with many other incidents likely unreported.

“There is no place in the White House for anyone, let alone a senior advisor, who espouses xenophobic, racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Muslim sentiments,” said AAAJ.

Since the election, the President-elect has stated the intention to strike a tone of unity, but a nation divided cannot unite when the President’s chief advisor holds blatant and well-documented hostility towards so many Americans, according to AAAJ.

“We demand that the President-elect immediately rescind the offer to Steve Bannon and we vow to stand up against attacks on all communities.  Asian Americans Advancing Justice refuses to accept the normalization of hate from the highest reaches of our nation’s leadership,” AAAJ stated.

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